Thursday, February 9, 2012

Peanut Butter Banana Bread

So tonight for our sweet tooth I have made Reese's Peanut Butter Banana Bread
This is really really super yummy and very filling! The bread is so dense and heavy, I love it! I can eat one slice and it takes me a while to go back and get another one! 
I didn't have the mini reeses to use so I used the medium sized ones that come in a 12 oz. bag. I just used a handful or two. I did use a little more banana than the recipe says. I really wanted the flavors equal. I would say they are. The only thing is the recipe has no nuts, so if you want to add that factor like an original banana bread you could probably use a chunky peanut butter. Maybe then exclude the reeses. 
I sorta think you could have left out the reeses really. The peanut butter gives it all the peanut butter flavor you need. And the little bit of chocolate that the reeses has does not affect the taste that much.
I would for sure make this again probably not using the reeses. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Garlic Chicken with Potatoes

Last nights super bowl meal for my boyfriend and I was 30 minute garlic chicken with potatoes. I decided to make this because I was going to just be getting off work and some days I really don't feel like doing a whole lot of cooking.
This recipe was so simple get the chicken, potatoes, and spices, add to bowl, toss, put in oven and enjoy!
The only thing is that I had to extend the cooking time about 15 minutes or so. I'm just so terrified of serving under cooked chicken. I always add 5 minutes just in case. But every time I cut a piece there was still pink.
Oh and one other thing. I think I will add more garlic and paprika next time. The potatoes had a nice wonderful flavor, but the chicken could use a little more. Or I will just rub that chicken with the garlic and paprika more.....
All and all I will be making this dish again.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites

For a nice little dessert and surprise for my boyfriend I made him some of these Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites.
I made half of a recipe just because we don't need 80 of them!
I ended up not being able to roll the peanut butter mixture into balls, I just had to use two spoons and scoop it on to the pretzel.
These are very quick and easy to make.
My boyfriend said they would make a great party dish.
Really really hope you all enjoy them as much as we did!!!

Potato Bacon Casserole

Tonight I made a very delicious dinner. It was a Potato Bacon Casserole I found the link from Pinterest.
I made the recipe exactly how it is supposed to be made.
The only thing is I didn't have frozen hash browns so I had to julienne my own potatoes.
I used an 8x8 dish. Cut into 9 pieces very easily. My boyfriend ate about 2 pieces and I had 1 and a half.
This was a very easy and quick recipe to make. We had it for dinner, but for sure it can be made as a breakfast dish.
Hope you enjoy!!

Mini Personal Pizzas

The other night I was feeling a lot like pizza. These are a quick, fun, and cheap way of getting a good pizza.
 Pillsbury crescent rolls that I unrolled. I made four pizzas by keeping two triangles together to make one pizza. It will form a rectangle.
Then I took a little bit of pizza sauce, topped with mozzarella cheese, mini pepperonis and some bacon.
Of course you can add any toppings that you like on your pizza.
Heat the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 10-12 minutes. Might need a little more if you like your crust to be a little more crispy.

An example of the rectangle pizzas

Yum yum!!! 

This is a great idea for kids to get them to help in the kitchen and see what goes into making their food. Also a great idea for kids parties or just adult parties in general. You can set up a topping bar and give everyone a rectangle to make their own pizza.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rosemary Burgers and Cheesy Fries

I have a thing that with almost every meal I make I make some sort of potato, unless there is going to be pasta in the dish. 
So tonight we have cheesy fries, they were probably the best I have made so far. 
I took 3 potatoes ( I left the peel on) cut in half then cut length wise and cut each length in half again. You can make the fries any thickness you would like. 
I took one clove of garlic and minced it to bake with the fries. 
Heat oven to 350 degrees. 
Spread fries on baking sheet lined with foil.  Sprinkle with a generous amount of salt. Bake ten minutes, take out of oven and flip. Sprinkle with more salt and add vegetable oil. Bake another ten minutes. Take out of oven and add what ever cheese you would like. Today I used  mild cheddar slices. I placed 3 on top of the fries, with of course more salt, then baked again for about 5 minutes, until your cheese is nice and melted. I also added a little bit of onion to the top. You can also add bacon bits, chives, or even chili! 

Rosemary burgers is a recipe I took from Giada Delaurentiis. She made them with chicken, but I decided to use beef instead. Now the recipe calls for mayo to bind everything together, it wasn't until after two times of making these burgers and having them fall apart on me that I don't need mayo with beef. 
So here is my form of the recipe. 
2 cloves garlic minced
Handful of rosemary, since it is winter I use dried. Also I chop the rosemary into smaller pieces. 
1 lb of beef

Add garlic and rosemary to beef and mix together with hands. Form into 4 patties. 
Add to hot pan. 
Cook about 7 to 8 minutes aside. 
I like to toast my buns in the oven. Then I spread mayo on the bottom bun and sprinkle some rosemary over the mayo. 
My boyfriend likes to add cheese to his burger.