Monday, February 6, 2012

Garlic Chicken with Potatoes

Last nights super bowl meal for my boyfriend and I was 30 minute garlic chicken with potatoes. I decided to make this because I was going to just be getting off work and some days I really don't feel like doing a whole lot of cooking.
This recipe was so simple get the chicken, potatoes, and spices, add to bowl, toss, put in oven and enjoy!
The only thing is that I had to extend the cooking time about 15 minutes or so. I'm just so terrified of serving under cooked chicken. I always add 5 minutes just in case. But every time I cut a piece there was still pink.
Oh and one other thing. I think I will add more garlic and paprika next time. The potatoes had a nice wonderful flavor, but the chicken could use a little more. Or I will just rub that chicken with the garlic and paprika more.....
All and all I will be making this dish again.


  1. Use Hungarian Paprika if you haven't been. It's the best. :)

  2. I'll have to ask mom if she has any. Thanks for the tip and i'll update when I do use it!
